The Book of Mark (2020 Edition)

Miracles and Mercy

Brian Simmons

Religiöse Ratgeber

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Beschreibung zu „The Book of Mark (2020 Edition)“

The book of Mark unveils the Lord Jesus as the true Servant of God—holy, harmless, and merciful! As God's Servant, we find Jesus healing, teaching, and working wonders throughout this beautiful gospel.

As the briefest of the four Gospels, the book of Mark declares Jesus' supreme power over both the invisible and visible worlds. He is Master over creation, man, and the devil, for he is the perfect Servant who came to do the Father's will.

Mercy triumphs in every page of Mark's Gospel. We fall in love with this splendid Man, Jesus Christ, as we read the inspired account of his life. Now is the time to become fervent followers of the Servant of the Lord!

"Because you dared to believe, your faith has healed you. Go with peace in your heart, and be free from your suffering!"

Mark 5:34


BroadStreet Publishing Group, LLC




ca. 107





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