I Hear His Whisper

52 Devotions

Brian Simmons

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Beschreibung zu „I Hear His Whisper“

Encounter God's Heart for You!

The Holy Spirit wants to wash our lives in the refreshing grace that streams every day from the presence of God. We know that God thunders from the heavens with powerful truths that capture our hearts and overcome our doubts. But he also whispers to us life-giving words that will heal and penetrate into the deepest place of our inner being. I Hear His Whisper is a compilation of messages that have come into the heart during early morning hours of devotion with Jesus. Listen to God's voice and be drawn into greater intimacy with Jesus. Be moved by his whisper, stirred by his Spirit, and thrilled by these messages of love. Open your soul to the whispers of God so that you hear him whisper his message of love to you!

"For your whispers in the night give me wisdom, Showing me what to do next." Psalm 16:7 TPT


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