Not Guilty

Be Free to Experience God's Love

Brian Simmons Candice Simmons

Religiöse Ratgeber

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Beschreibung zu „Not Guilty“

Dive into Romans and watch God's love set you free.

Shame. Failure. Sin. They leave mankind with a verdict: guilty. Have you been trusting in your works or feeling continually crushed by sin? Your story does not end there. Christ paid the price, and a new verdict has been rendered: not guilty! It's time to relinquish every heavy burden of sin and guilt to God.

As you examine the powerful, freeing book of Romans through this devotional commentary and study guide, you will

- rediscover the joy of your salvation,
- surrender all self-righteousness,
- stop striving to please God or earn his love,
- return to the simplicity of the gospel of grace,
- silence the accusing voice of shame, and
- experience acceptance by God.Understand the true grace of the gospel that releases God's power and peace into your life.


BroadStreet Publishing Group, LLC




ca. 239





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