The Life of Jesus

Harmonized Gospels: Reader's Edition

Brian Simmons

Religiöse Ratgeber

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Beschreibung zu „The Life of Jesus“

The Life of Jesus is the biographical account of Jesus' supernatural birth, extraordinary life, unjust death, confirmed resurrection, and promised return to earth. The text from the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) in The Passion Translation® is harmonized into a singular narrative and presented chronologically. Special features include:

- beautiful interior with the words of Jesus in red
- reader's edition single-column format without verse numbers
- contemporary, easy-to-read Bible text font
- subject headings that introduce sections of the Bible text and its source in the Gospels
- expanded text for the richest presentation of duplicate Gospel accountsJesus has affected this world like no other in history. His life and the work of his Spirit invites seekers, encourages saints, and challenges skeptics. Experience God's fiery heart of love through this heart-level translation and harmonization of the Gospels.


BroadStreet Publishing Group, LLC




ca. 271





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