From the Rising of the Sun Morning & Evening Devotional

Devotions of Praise and Thanksgiving

BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

Religiöse Ratgeber

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Beschreibung zu „From the Rising of the Sun Morning & Evening Devotional“

God is worthy of all our praise! The circumstances of life may have you feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, discouraged, or even depressed. But God's love is not dependent on your situation.
Because his love for you is unchanging and his promises are true, you can choose to believe that today will be a good day from the minute you wake up to the moment you lay down to sleep. Find the hope, joy, and strength that is abundant in God as you reflect on these devotional entries, scriptures, and prayers twice a day. No matter what comes your way today, you can choose a heart of praise and thanksgiving for your Creator who loves you deeply.
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. Psalm 136:1 NLT


BroadStreet Publishing Group, LLC




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