Guitar Quartet "For Children" score

10 selected pieces from Sz.42 - Book I

Francesco Leone Bela Bartok

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Beschreibung zu „Guitar Quartet "For Children" score“

Score from a selection of 10 beginner-to-intermediate compositions from "For Children" Sz.42 - Book I, drawing inspiration from Hungarian folk melodies, penned by Béla Bartók. These compositions have been reimagined for Guitar Quartet by Francesco Leone. The entire score, along with individual parts, is part of the series.
  • Béla Bartók's "For Children" Sz.42 - Book I offers piano compositions deeply rooted in Hungarian folk melodies. This work underscores Bartók's profound fascination with ethnomusicology and his commitment to celebrating and preserving the musical treasures of Eastern Europe. Through these unique pieces, Bartók desired to familiarize emerging pianists with the enchanting realm of Hungarian folk tunes, aptly suited for their technical proficiency while upholding their genuine allure.


Glissato Edizioni Musicali







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