Bum-Ba Bum-Ba

Conversations with John Lennon & Yoko Ono

Yoko Ono John Lennon Jonas Mekas

Film & Musik

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Beschreibung zu „Bum-Ba Bum-Ba“

December 1970, Regency Hotel, New York City: After a spontaneous film festival in the Elgin theatre for which Yoko Ono and John Lennon had produced two new films in only two weeks, the organiser Jonas Mekas and the two artists sat together, exhausted and probably also very happy.
They talk about how the audience received the films and how Jonas Mekas managed to draw the attention from the famous couple to their works.

Almost accidentially, the conversation touches many topics of creative production, from early childhood influences to collaboration, from hearts beats in a waltz rhythm to electronic music, from realism to catharsis to stutter. Jonas Mekas conducted numerous interviews with artists, some of which appeared for the first time in his "Scrapbook of the Sixties", published by Spector Books in 2016. This ebook contains the outtake of one chapter of the Scrapbook. The intimate conversation with John and Yoko reveals Mekas as a playful, attentive interlocur with a stunningly agile and honest perception.

"Wonderfully anecdotal, when the ruffled couple talks about diverse film and performance projects."
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Jonas Mekas was well acquainted with a great many New York artists. Born in Lithuania in 1922, he came to Brooklyn via Germany in 1949 and began shooting his first experimental films there. Mekas developed a form of film diary in which he recorded his daily observations. He became the barometer of the New York art scene and a pioneer of American avant-garde cinema.

Über Yoko Ono

Yoko Ono (*1933 in Tokio) ist eine japanische Künstlerin und politische Aktivistin. Ono ist bekannt für ihre Arbeiten im Bereich der Avantgarde-Kunst sowie als Musikerin und Filmemacherin. 2012 wurde Half A Wind, die große Retrospektive ihrer Kunst in der Frankfurter Schirn Galerie gezeigt. Zu ihren bisherigen Büchern zählen Grapefruit (1964) und An Invisible Flower (2012, mit Sean Ono Lennon). Yoko Ono lebt in Manhattan.Uljana Wolf (*1979 in Berlin) studierte Germanistik, Kulturwissenschaften und Anglistik. Als Lyrikerin und Übersetzerin lebt und arbeitet sie in Berlin und New York. Für ihren Debütband kochanie, ich habe brot gekauft wurde Wolf mit dem Peter-Huchel-Preis ausgezeichnet.

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