Brite and Fair

Henry A. Shute

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Beschreibung zu „Brite and Fair“

In 'Brite and Fair' by Henry A. Shute, the reader is transported to a small New England village where the narrative unfolds through the eyes of the protagonist, Josiah Allen. Shute's use of local dialect and vivid descriptions immerses the reader in the quaint setting, highlighting the simplicity and charm of rural life in the late 19th century. The book combines humor, romance, and social commentary, making it a delightful and engaging read for those interested in American regional literature of the era. Henry A. Shute, a lawyer turned author, drew inspiration from his own experiences living in a small New England town, bringing authenticity and depth to his portrayal of village life in 'Brite and Fair.' Shute's background in law also enabled him to infuse the narrative with astute observations on human behavior and societal norms. I highly recommend 'Brite and Fair' to readers looking for an entertaining yet thought-provoking glimpse into 19th-century rural America. Shute's storytelling prowess and insightful commentary make this novel a classic worth exploring.


Good Press




ca. 199





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