The Dream Doctor

Arthur Benjamin Reeve

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Beschreibung zu „The Dream Doctor“

In Arthur Benjamin Reeve's 'The Dream Doctor,' the reader is taken on a thrilling journey through a series of mysterious dream-related crimes that must be solved by Craig Kennedy, a brilliant scientific detective. Reeve's writing style is engaging, combining elements of mystery and science fiction in a way that keeps the reader on the edge of their seat. Set in the early 20th century, 'The Dream Doctor' reflects the fascination with new scientific discoveries and their potential applications in solving crimes. Reeve's attention to detail and intricately woven plot make this book a captivating read for fans of detective fiction and science fiction alike. Arthur Benjamin Reeve, a renowned American author and screenwriter, drew on his background in engineering and science to create the character of Craig Kennedy and bring a unique twist to the detective genre. 'The Dream Doctor' is a must-read for anyone interested in classic mystery fiction with a scientific twist.


Good Press




ca. 281





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