Indian Games : an historical research

Andrew McFarland Davis

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Beschreibung zu „Indian Games : an historical research“

In 'Indian Games: an historical research', Andrew McFarland Davis explores the rich history and cultural significance of traditional Indian games. Delving into the origins and evolution of these games, Davis provides a detailed analysis of the various types of games played in different regions of India. His scholarly approach to the subject is evident through meticulous research and documentation of historical sources, making this book a valuable resource for those interested in the cultural heritage of India. Davis's writing style is clear and insightful, providing readers with a well-rounded understanding of the importance of games in Indian society. The book is a unique combination of historical research and cultural exploration, shedding light on a lesser-known aspect of Indian heritage. Andrew McFarland Davis, a renowned historian and scholar of Indian culture, brings his expertise to 'Indian Games' by drawing on his extensive knowledge of the subject. His passion for preserving and celebrating Indian traditions is evident throughout the book, making it a compelling read for anyone interested in cultural studies or history. Davis's dedication to preserving the rich legacy of Indian games is reflected in his meticulous research and thoughtful analysis, making this book a must-read for those seeking to expand their knowledge of Indian culture. I highly recommend 'Indian Games: an historical research' to anyone interested in delving into the cultural heritage of India through the lens of traditional games. Andrew McFarland Davis's comprehensive exploration of the subject offers readers a fascinating look into the history and significance of these games, making it a valuable addition to any library focused on Indian culture and history.


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ca. 55





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