Flowers and Their Pedigrees

Grant Allen

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Beschreibung zu „Flowers and Their Pedigrees“

In Grant Allen's 'Flowers and Their Pedigrees,' the author delves into the fascinating world of botany and flower breeding. Through a combination of scientific knowledge and engaging storytelling, Allen explores the origins and development of different flowers, providing readers with a deeper understanding of the botanical world. Written in a clear and accessible style, this book is a valuable resource for both casual readers and botany enthusiasts. Allen's meticulous research and attention to detail make 'Flowers and Their Pedigrees' a comprehensive guide to the history and evolution of various flower species. The book is a testament to Allen's passion for nature and his dedication to sharing his knowledge with others. Grant Allen's background as a renowned naturalist and novelist undoubtedly influenced his decision to write this informative work. His expertise in scientific observation and his commitment to educating the public shine through in every page of 'Flowers and Their Pedigrees.' I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in botany, gardening, or the natural world in general.


Good Press




ca. 164





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