Ballades & Rhymes from Ballades in Blue China and Rhymes a la Mode

Andrew Lang

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Beschreibung zu „Ballades & Rhymes from Ballades in Blue China and Rhymes a la Mode“

In 'Ballades & Rhymes from Ballades in Blue China and Rhymes a la Mode', Andrew Lang presents a delightful collection of ballades and rhymes that reflect his love for poetry and folklore. The book showcases Lang's unique literary style, blending traditional forms with whimsical storytelling and vivid imagery. Set against the backdrop of late 19th-century Victorian Britain, this work captures the essence of the era's fascination with the mystical and the fantastic. Lang's use of language is both elegant and engaging, drawing readers into a world of romance and adventure. Andrew Lang, a prolific writer and scholar, was deeply influenced by his passion for folklore and mythology. His keen interest in world cultures and storytelling traditions inspired him to compile and create works that continue to captivate audiences today. 'Ballades & Rhymes' is a testament to Lang's enduring creativity and his ability to weave together tales that resonate with readers of all ages. I highly recommend 'Ballades & Rhymes from Ballades in Blue China and Rhymes a la Mode' to poetry lovers, folklore enthusiasts, and anyone seeking a whimsical escape into the world of Victorian verse. Lang's lyrical creations offer a charming blend of tradition and imagination, making this book a timeless treasure for all who appreciate the beauty of language and storytelling.

Über Andrew Lang

Andrew Lang (1844 – 1912) was a collector of fairy tales and folklore from around the world. Between 1889 and 1910 he published a dozen books known as the coloured fairy books. He was also a historian and wrote hundreds of essays and short-stories. He died at age 68.


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