Ballades and Verses Vain

Andrew Lang

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Beschreibung zu „Ballades and Verses Vain“

In Andrew Lang's 'Ballades and Verses Vain' readers are introduced to a collection of charming and whimsical poems that showcase Lang's talent for both versification and storytelling. Written in a traditional ballad format, these verses transport readers to a world of magic, adventure, and romance, reminiscent of medieval poetry. Lang's mastery of language and his ability to weave intricate narratives make this collection a timeless treasure in the realm of poetry. Drawing inspiration from ancient folklore and literary ballads, 'Ballades and Verses Vain' offers a unique blend of old-world charm and modern sensibilities, making it a must-read for poetry enthusiasts and literary scholars alike. Andrew Lang's deep appreciation for literature, folklore, and mythology is evident in his works, and 'Ballades and Verses Vain' is no exception. Lang's extensive knowledge and love for storytelling shine through in this collection, inviting readers to immerse themselves in a world of beauty and imagination. With its captivating stories and enchanting verse, 'Ballades and Verses Vain' is a testament to Lang's enduring legacy as a master storyteller.

Über Andrew Lang

Andrew Lang (1844 – 1912) was a collector of fairy tales and folklore from around the world. Between 1889 and 1910 he published a dozen books known as the coloured fairy books. He was also a historian and wrote hundreds of essays and short-stories. He died at age 68.


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