Vom Leben und Sterben im Alter

Wie wir das Lebensende gestalten können

Andreas Kruse

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Beschreibung zu „Vom Leben und Sterben im Alter“

This book is concerned with people who are approaching the end of their lives, as well as with the personal and professional caregivers who accompany them during this last stage. It describes attitudes and coping techniques among seriously or terminally ill people, as well as the care, support and environmental conditions that can help them shape the end of life in the best way possible in accordance with their own ideas. The author=s aim in the book is to provide support for people in developing an accepting attitude towards the finiteness of life and in clearly articulating to their caregivers what their ideas of a good life are. ?This is a major work that places all end-of-life issues in a kinder, more serious, and more confident light. Well worth reading for everyone in relation to their own life, and for doctors, nurses, pastoral caregivers, counselors and all those voluntarily involved in providing humane care for seriously ill, very elderly and dying people. A book that is a wonderful read.= Dr. Matthias Mettner, Director of Studies for ?Palliative Care and Organizational Ethics & Interdisciplinary Continuing Education Switzerland=, and Program Director of the Health and Medicine Forum, Zurich.

Über Andreas Kruse

Thomas Rentsch, Dr. phil., ist Professor für Praktische Philosophie und Ethik an der Technischen Universität Dresden.

Harm-Peer Zimmermann, Dr. phil., ist Professor am Institut für Populäre Kulturen der Universität Zürich.

Andreas Kruse, Dr. phil. Dr. h.c., ist Professor und Direktor des Instituts für Gerontologie der Universität Heidelberg.


Kohlhammer Verlag




ca. 335





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