Death in the Woods & Other Tales

Sherwood Anderson Anderson,Sherwood

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Beschreibung zu „Death in the Woods & Other Tales“

The title story in this collection, 'Death in the Woods', first published in 1933, is widely regarded as a masterpiece. The narrator looks back at an incident in his childhood where an old woman dies in the cold - in life she was destined to feed those around her, after her death, he feeds from her too. The narrator, looking back, tries to organize his memories and create a meaning and beauty out of them. Rather than remembering an aged woman, he remembers a beautiful, "statuesque" and almost marble figure. The last story is about a dysfunctional family who experiences death in various ways - a potential physical death of a son and a rather more serious death that is not physical. It reflects on family relationships and how "enemies" among the family constantly occur, for example, a mother-daughter or father-son enmity.
Sherwood Anderson (1876 – 1941) was an American novelist and short story writer, known for subjective and self-revealing works. Anderson published several short story collections, novels, memoirs, books of essays, and a book of poetry.

Über Sherwood Anderson

Sherwood Anderson (1876–1941) wuchs im US-Bundesstaat Ohio auf, nahm verschiedenste Gelegenheitsjobs an, war Soldat und leitete schließlich eine Farbenfabrik. Nach einem psychischen Zusammenbruch verließ er 1912 Ehefrau und Kinder, um Schriftsteller zu werden. In den Folgejahren entstanden viel bewunderte Short Storys, Romane und Gedichte.


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