The Writing of the Short Story

Lewis Worthington Smith

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Beschreibung zu „The Writing of the Short Story“

In 'The Writing of the Short Story' by Lewis Worthington Smith, readers are treated to a comprehensive guide on the art of crafting short stories. Smith delves into the intricate process of developing characters, creating engaging plots, and perfecting narrative styles, making this book a valuable resource for aspiring writers. His literary style is clear and insightful, providing practical advice while also exploring the deeper aspects of storytelling. Set within the context of the 20th century literary scene, Smith's work stands out as a timeless gem that continues to inspire modern writers. With examples taken from classic short stories to illustrate his points, readers are given a hands-on approach to learning the craft. Lewis Worthington Smith, a renowned professor of creative writing, draws on his extensive experience in the field to offer an authoritative guide that educates and inspires. Anyone looking to hone their skills in short story writing would benefit greatly from studying this insightful book by Smith. With its wealth of knowledge and practical advice, 'The Writing of the Short Story' comes highly recommended for writers of all levels.


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ca. 42





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