The Fiend's Delight

Ambrose Bierce

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Beschreibung zu „The Fiend's Delight“

In 'The Fiend's Delight' by Ambrose Bierce, the reader is taken on a journey through a collection of dark and twisted short stories that explore the depths of human nature and the macabre. This book showcases Bierce's signature writing style of combining cynicism with wit, creating a unique literary experience that challenges societal norms and beliefs. Set in the late 19th century, Bierce's stories provide a glimpse into the psychological and moral complexities of his time, making them a significant contribution to American literature. With elements of horror and satire intertwined, 'The Fiend's Delight' offers readers a thought-provoking and haunting reading experience. Ambrose Bierce, known for his acerbic wit and uncompromising views, drew inspiration from his own experiences as a journalist and soldier, infusing his writing with a sense of disillusionment and skepticism towards society. His background as a war veteran and his keen observations of humanity lend depth and authenticity to his stories, making them all the more captivating. I highly recommend 'The Fiend's Delight' to readers who appreciate dark fiction and enjoy diving into the psychological motivations of human behavior. Bierce's masterful storytelling and thought-provoking narratives are sure to leave a lasting impression on those brave enough to explore the darker corners of literature.

Über Ambrose Bierce

1842 als zehntes von 13 Kindern einer Farmerfamilie in Ohio geboren, trat Andrew Gwinett Bierce bei Ausbruch des amerikanischen Bürgerkriegs 1861 einem Regiment aus Indiana bei, wurde zweimal verwundet und mehrmals wegen Tapferkeit befördert. Später wurde er Journalist. 1913 ging Bierce nach Mexiko, wo er unter mysteriösen Umständen verschwand.

Der Begründer des Genres der Short Story gehört neben Edgar Allan Poe und Mark Twain zu den bedeutensten amerikanischen Autoren des 19. Jahrhunderts.


Good Press




ca. 110





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