Present at a Hanging and Other Ghost Stories

Ambrose Bierce

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Beschreibung zu „Present at a Hanging and Other Ghost Stories“

Ambrose Bierce's 'Present at a Hanging and Other Ghost Stories' is a collection of haunting tales that delve into the realms of supernatural and eerie occurrences. Written in Bierce's trademark style of macabre realism, the stories in this book are sure to send a chill down the reader's spine. Set against the backdrop of the American Civil War era, these narratives tap into the psychological fears and anxieties of the human experience, making them not just ghost stories, but reflections on the darker aspects of humanity. Bierce's sharp wit and keen eye for detail enhance the unsettling atmosphere of each story, leaving readers both captivated and disturbed. With a blend of horror, suspense, and social commentary, 'Present at a Hanging and Other Ghost Stories' stands as a classic in the realm of supernatural literature. Ambrose Bierce, known for his cynical and satirical writing, drew inspiration from his own experiences as a journalist and soldier, infusing his tales with a sense of realism amidst the supernatural elements. His background in journalism and firsthand exposure to war likely influenced the gritty and unflinching portrayal of human nature found in these ghost stories. Fans of gothic fiction, psychological horror, and historical tales will find 'Present at a Hanging and Other Ghost Stories' to be a captivating read that delves into the depths of human emotion and fear.

Über Ambrose Bierce

1842 als zehntes von 13 Kindern einer Farmerfamilie in Ohio geboren, trat Andrew Gwinett Bierce bei Ausbruch des amerikanischen Bürgerkriegs 1861 einem Regiment aus Indiana bei, wurde zweimal verwundet und mehrmals wegen Tapferkeit befördert. Später wurde er Journalist. 1913 ging Bierce nach Mexiko, wo er unter mysteriösen Umständen verschwand.

Der Begründer des Genres der Short Story gehört neben Edgar Allan Poe und Mark Twain zu den bedeutensten amerikanischen Autoren des 19. Jahrhunderts.


Good Press




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