The attaché at Peking

Algernon Bertram Freeman-Mitford Baron Redesdale

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Beschreibung zu „The attaché at Peking“

In 'The Attaché at Peking' by Algernon Bertram Freeman-Mitford Baron Redesdale, readers are transported to the diplomatic world of 19th century China. The book is a firsthand account of the author's experiences as a British diplomat attached to the British Legation in Peking, providing valuable insight into the political climate and cultural intricacies of the time. Written in a straightforward and informative style, the book offers a unique perspective on the interactions between Western powers and the Qing Dynasty. Redesdale's meticulous attention to detail and vivid descriptions make the reader feel as though they are living through the events alongside him. The book's historical significance and literary value make it a must-read for those interested in diplomatic history and cross-cultural relations. Algernon Bertram Freeman-Mitford Baron Redesdale's personal experiences and keen observations provide a valuable glimpse into a pivotal period in Sino-British relations, making 'The Attaché at Peking' a compelling and insightful read for history enthusiasts and scholars alike.


Good Press




ca. 262





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