Learn Excel in 24 Hours

Alex Nordeen

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Beschreibung zu „Learn Excel in 24 Hours“

Learn to automate Excel using VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)

VBA is a event driven programming language and you can program any actions that you would do manually in an Excel.

You can automate Excel using VBA to pull data from multiple sources, process data, generate reports and graphs and so much more. Called as Macros they help automate repetitive task.

Here is what is included-

Table Of Content

Chapter 1: Introduction to Macros in Excel

What is a macro?

The importance of macros in Excel

What is VBA in a layman's language?

Macro Basics
Step by step example of recording macros in Excel

Enable Developer Option

Chapter 2: Your Fist VBA in Excel

What is VBA?

Why VBA?

Personal & business applications of VBA in excel

Visual Basic for Applications VBA basics

Enable Developer Option

Step by step example of creating a simple EMI calculator in Excel

Chapter 3: VBA Data Types, Variables & Constant

VBA Variables

Excel VBA Data-Types

Constant in VBA

Chapter 4: VBA Arrays

What is an Array?

What are Advantages of arrays?

Types of arrays

VBA Array Demonstrated with Example

Testing our application

Chapter 5: VBA Excel Form Control & Activex Control

Creating VBA Form/GUI controls in Excel

How to use ActiveX control in VBA


Chapter 6: VBA Arithmetic Operators

Chapter 7: VBA String Operators

Chapter 8: VBA Comparison Operators

Chapter 9: VBA Logical Operators

Chapter 10: Excel VBA Call a Subroutine

What is Subroutine?

Why use subroutines

Rules of naming subroutines and functions

Subroutine practical example

Chapter 11: Excel VBA Function Tutorial: Return, Call, Examples

Chapter 12: VBA Range Objects

What is VBA Range?

Introduction to Referencing Objects in VBA

How to refer to Excel VBA Range Object using Range property

Refer to a Single cell using the Worksheet.Range Property

Cell Property

Range Offset property






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