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Inside this guide, you will find an introduction into Microsoft Excel that is aimed at a beginner, or someone who wants to improve his or her Microsoft Excel skill. This is the best place to start if you have always been curious, but were too afraid to ask for help, for seeming like you were out of touch. Inside this guide, you will find many time-saving tips and shortcuts, like how to switch between relative and absolute cell references in less than a second.
Excel is a must-have skill in the ever-growing data intensive business world. Do yourself a favor and put the time and the effort into learning the basics first, so that you have a good foundation in order to enter data more efficiently, manipulate cells or worksheets, and format to present data in an easier to understand fashion. Stop wondering and take action now! You will not regret the time you spend listening this book!
Inside, you'll learn how to:
Get to know ExcelEntering or editing data
Entering text and numbers
Entering data into multiple cells at once
To copy data from one cell to another
Entering time or a dateHow to enter a sequence of numbers
Using basic formulas and functionsSome useful functions
Switching between absolute and relative cell references
Manipulating cells
Adjusting default settings
To display more information in a cell at one time
To create a drop-down list
To insert columns and cells
To delete rows, cells or columns
Manipulating worksheets
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