The Jade God

Alan Sullivan

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Beschreibung zu „The Jade God“

In Alan Sullivan's 'The Jade God', readers are transported to ancient China where a young scholar uncovers a mystery involving a priceless jade artifact. The book is a blend of historical fiction and mystery, with rich descriptions of Chinese culture and traditions. Sullivan's writing is vivid and detailed, immersing the reader in the exotic setting and keeping them captivated until the very end. The narrative is full of twists and turns, as the protagonist navigates through a web of deceit and intrigue. 'The Jade God' is a perfect example of the masterful storytelling and world-building that Sullivan is known for. Through his impeccable research and attention to detail, he brings to life a bygone era with authenticity and flair. Alan Sullivan's passion for Chinese history and culture shines through in this enthralling tale, which will appeal to fans of both historical fiction and mystery novels. With its gripping plot and well-developed characters, 'The Jade God' is a must-read for anyone looking for a captivating and immersive literary experience.


Good Press




ca. 216





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