The mystery of Easter island

The story of an expedition

Katherine Routledge

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Beschreibung zu „The mystery of Easter island“

In 'The Mystery of Easter Island' by Katherine Routledge, the reader is taken on a journey to explore the fascinating history and enigmatic statues of Easter Island. Routledge's detailed descriptions and meticulous research provide a scholarly insight into the ancient civilization that once inhabited the remote island. Written in a captivating and informative style, the book sheds light on the cultural significance of the famous Moai statues and the mysteries surrounding their creation. Within the literary context, Routledge's work stands out as a pioneering study of Easter Island's past, offering readers a profound understanding of this unique archaeological site. Her compelling narrative intertwines adventure with academic rigor, making it a must-read for history enthusiasts and scholars alike. Katherine Routledge's expertise in archaeology and ethnography serves as the foundation for 'The Mystery of Easter Island,' showcasing her dedication to unraveling the secrets of this enigmatic island. Her passion for exploration and discovery is evident throughout the book, as she delves into the complexities of Easter Island's past with meticulous detail and profound insight. The depth of research and compelling storytelling make this book a valuable contribution to the field of archaeology and a captivating read for anyone intrigued by ancient civilizations.


Good Press




ca. 482





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