The History of Magic

From the Earliest Times to Modernity

Eliphas Levi

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Beschreibung zu „The History of Magic“

This is one of the most influential works of Éliphas Lévi. He believes that people regard magic erroneously and narrow it to a collection of tricks. On the contrary, magic is practicing the concentration of will, imagination, and psychic power to influence the minds of other people and the phenomena of reality. In The History of Magic, Lévi compares the magical components of different religious traditions and organizations, like pagan beliefs, Kabbalah, Christian Catholicism, Illuminati, and Freemasonry. He states that true magic is earthed under the parables, fables, and wonder stories with peculiarities in every division. Yet, they all have a common basis, which Lévi describes as the true magic which imparts real science. Lévi enumerates in the preface the nine fundamental tenets of magic, such as magic is real and true; it is kept secret, it gives a man super-human powers, it is ruled, practiced, and shared to us by Magi, initiation to Magi provides a human with power over other human's will and control of thoughts, conventional religions are the parable of the proper knowledge. They are valid for the crowd but not for an initiated person. The book chapters are dedicated to the magic of the Magi, Magic in Ancient Greece, the Kabbalah, primitive symbolism, mysticism, oracles, magical monuments, the relations between magic and Christianity, pagan magic, masons, Illuminati, and more.
Lévi's books greatly influenced the development of different occult and mystical movements in Europe and the United States, including the Theosophical Society of Helena Blavatsky.

Über Eliphas Levi

Alphonse Louis Constant, better know by his pen name Eliphas Levi, was a master of the traditional Rosicrucian interpretation of the Kabbalah. He was born in France in 1810, and through the offices of the parish priest, was educated for the church at Saint-Sulpice. He was later expelled from seminary for teaching doctrines contrary to those of the Roman Catholic Church. In 1824 Levi began studying the occult sciences, and wrote about magic and the Kabbalah for the next three decades. His other books include Transcendental Magic, Mysteries of the Qabalah, and The Book of Splendours.






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