Sehen im Alter

Diagnostik, Rehabilitation, Prävention

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Beschreibung zu „Sehen im Alter“

We live in an ageing society. This means not only that there are increasing numbers of people in need of care, but also that a strong increase in the numbers of visually impaired senior citizens can be expected in the coming years, as visual impairment is a phenomenon associated with ageing in Germany. Providing support for this group of people will become a major task. This textbook provides advice and guidance for recognizing and classifying visual impairments and acting accordingly. Impairment of visual perception acquired in old age has widely differing and individual effects in all areas of life. Authors from a variety of specialist disciplines offer insights here into this complex topic and indicate practical ways of providing targeted counselling and empowerment for visually impaired senior citizens.


Kohlhammer Verlag




ca. 202





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