The Siege of Mafeking (1900)

A. Hamilton

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Beschreibung zu „The Siege of Mafeking (1900)“

A. Hamilton's 'The Siege of Mafeking' (1900) is a gripping historical account of the siege of the town of Mafeking during the Second Boer War. Hamilton's detailed narrative style immerses the reader in the events leading up to the siege, the hardships faced by civilians and soldiers, and the eventual relief of the town. The book skillfully combines factual information with engaging storytelling, making it a valuable resource for understanding the impact of colonial conflict in South Africa. The literary context of the book reflects the tense political climate of the time, highlighting the casualties of war and the resilience of those involved. Hamilton's firsthand experience as a war correspondent lends authenticity to the narrative, adding depth to the historical events portrayed. Fans of military history and colonial literature will appreciate the detailed research and compelling storytelling found in 'The Siege of Mafeking'.


Good Press




ca. 268





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