The Sky is Changing (Unabridged)

Zoë Jenny

Hörbuch Romane Gegenwartsliteratur

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Beschreibung zu „The Sky is Changing (Unabridged)“

London: A group of thirty-somethings meet to celebrate a birthday. All seems normal. But, after two years of trying, Claire and Anthony have still not conceived a child, and pulsing with the fear of terrorist attacks, the city is crackling with tension. Befriending a young girl, Nora, Claire finds herself drawn as her maternal instincts begin to blur. Meanwhile, Anthony is forced to question his job as a City Analyst as their safe and secure existence begins to fracture. As Claire retraces the journey she has made since an accident ended her promising career as a ballet dancer in Berlin, she realises her life has moved beyond her control.

Über Zoë Jenny

Zoë Jenny, geboren am 16. März 1974 in Basel, ist eine schweizerische Schriftstellerin. Sie thematisiert in ihren Romanen in unemotionaler Sprache die Erfahrungen und Stimmungen ihrer Generation, besonders die Empfindung von Einsamkeit und die Zerstörung der Familie: „Ein schnelles Leben; Das Portrait und The Sky is Changing“.

Von Zoë Jenny erschien bei dotbooks die Kurzgeschichte „Sugar Rush“.

Gelesen von:

Synthesized Voice Alice White


Legend Press




3 Std. 26 Min.





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