The Adventures of Ken Ward

The Young Forester, The Young Pitcher & The Young Lion Hunter & Ken Ward in the Jungle

Zane Grey

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Beschreibung zu „The Adventures of Ken Ward“

"The Young Forester" follows Ken Ward in his quest to become a forest ranger. After gaining his father's permission to go west to work with a childhood friend, Ken stumbles on a lumbering operation that's stripping the trees and leaving nothing behind. Throughout the book, Ken struggles against the loggers to save Penetier Forest.
"The Young Pitcher" continues Ken Ward's story as he goes to college. As a freshman he dreams reams of making the baseball team, but he has to prove himself worth.
"The Young Lion Hunter" – After completing his freshman year in college Ken Ward goes West again to find new adventures around the North Rim of Arizona's Grand Canyon.
"Ken Ward in the Jungle" – Looking for a change from Arizona desert, Ken Ward and his friend Hal go canoeing and exploring in the jungle south of Mexico, while new adventure awaits as they chart a river.

Über Zane Grey

The father of the western novel, Zane Grey (1872 - 1939) was born in Zanesville, Ohio. He wrote 58 westerns, including Spirit of the Border, Wildfire, and Riders of the Purple Sage, as well as almost 30 other books. Over 130 films have been based on his work.






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