Haiku on my mind

Yuukishoumi Tetsuwankou Kouseifukuya

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Beschreibung zu „Haiku on my mind“

A haiku is more than just a poem. A haiku is the embodimentof one deep thought. The old japanese tradition of haiku speaks of these verses as art.

Difficult to construct and meanigful to utter. The most important line due to tradition is the last line. The last line is supposed to give us a clue about the subject the poets mind was pondering. What moved the poets heart should move the heart of the listener as well. Haiku was a spoken art and became a written art later as history tells us.

Poetry is not the only genre Y. T. K.writes, short-story and graphic novel hold the authors' interest as well. You can buy Ebooks of Yuukishoumi Tetsuwankou Kouseifukuya at bod and smashwords and their retailers. You can also visit the blog https://yuukishoumikouseifukuya.wordpress.com/


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