An Introvert's Hookup Hiccups: This Gyaru Is Head Over Heels for Me! Volume 1



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When the gorgeous Nanami Barato confesses to Yoshin Misumai, it seems too good to be true! Only, it is—and Yoshin knows it. How’s an introverted guy like him supposed to keep his cool when he knows this is all just a dare? Even more puzzling, despite her gaudy appearance, this supposed gyaru isn’t actually all that good with guys! Perhaps this is the perfect chance for this shy guy to pluck up his own courage and say yes to the guy-shy girl. So begins their new cushy life of morning meet-ups and handmade lunches. The thing is, judging by the way she’s acting, Nanami has fallen head over heels for him!

From dares and dating to downright disasters, can these two first-timers figure out their feelings and maybe even fall in love—for real, this time?!


J-Novel Club




ca. 198





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