Neues verkehrswissenschaftliches Journal - Ausgabe 26

User-based Adaptable High Performance Simulation Modelling and Design for Railway Planning and Operations

Yong Cui

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Beschreibung zu „Neues verkehrswissenschaftliches Journal - Ausgabe 26“

Simulation methods are widely-used in the field of railway planning and operations. However, the various tools are all lacking with respect to the standards they utilise as well as their published interfaces. For an end-user, the basic mechanism and the assumptions built into a simulation tool are unknown, which means that the true potential of these software tools is limited. One of the most critical issues is the lack of the ability of users to define a sophisticated workflow, integrated in several rounds of simulation with adjustable parameters and settings. This book develops and describes a user-based, customisable platform. As the preconditions of the platform, the design aspects for modelling the components of a railway system and building the workflow of railway simulation are elaborated in detail. Based on the model and the workflow, an integrated simulation platform with open interfaces is developed. Users and researchers gain the ability to rapidly develop their own algorithms, supported by the tailored simulation process in a flexible manner. The productivity of using simulation tools for further evaluation and optimisation will be significantly improved through the user-adaptable open interfaces.

Über Yong Cui

Yong Cui arbeitete von 1993 bis 2003 als Softwareentwickler und System Analyst in China und Singapur. Seit 2003 ist er als akademischer Mitarbeiter am VWI Verkehrswissenschaftliches Institut Stuttgart GmbH und Institut für Eisenbahn- und Verkehrswesen der Universität Stuttgart mit Schwerpunkt Modellierung, Simulation und Optimierung des Eisenbahnbetriebs, Disposition und Leistungsuntersuchung im spurgeführten Verkehr und ÖPNV tätig.


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