The Country Wife

Full Text and Introduction (NHB Drama Classics)

William Wycherley

Poesie, Lyrik & Prosa

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Beschreibung zu „The Country Wife“

The NHB Drama Classics series presents the world's greatest plays in affordable, highly readable editions for students, actors and theatregoers. The hallmarks of the series are accessible introductions (focussing on the play's theatrical and historical background, together with an author biography, key dates and suggestions for further reading) and the complete text, uncluttered with footnotes. The translations, by leading experts in the field, are accurate and above all actable. The editions of English-language plays include a glossary of unusual words and phrases to aid understanding.
The Country Wife is a classically bawdy Restoration Comedy. 1675.
The aptly named Horner is pretending to be a eunuch in order to gain access to women under their husbands' noses. Pinchwife has recently married an innocent country girl, who immediately falls for Horner. Pinchwife's plans to stop any liaison go badly awry. Meanwhile Horner is giving pleasure to assorted other wives. All ends happily with Pinchwife - and the other husbands - convinced of Horner's impotence...


Nick Hern Books




ca. 118





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