Advanced Course in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism

William Walker Atkinson Yogi Ramacharaka

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Beschreibung zu „Advanced Course in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism“

This book consists of Twelve Lessons, originally issued in monthly parts, treating upon the more advanced branches of the Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism. It is practically a sequel to our book "Fourteen Lessons in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism," and continues the teachings of the "Fourteen Lessons," and leads the students to higher planes of thought, as well as showing him the deeper phases of occult truth. This book is intended only for those who feel an earnest attraction toward the higher teachings. It is only for earnest students, inspired by the highest motives. Those for whom these teachings are intended will feel attracted to them. If you feel attracted toward this work, we will be glad to have you study it, if not, we will feel just as kindly toward you, and will send you our best wishes for the hastening of the day when you will be ready for the advanced teachings. The matter is one entirely for the guidance of your Higher Self—let it decide for you.

Über William Walker Atkinson

William Walker Atkinson was an attorney, merchant, publisher, and author, as well as an occultist and an American pioneer of the New Thought movement. Atkinson was a prolific writer, and his many books achieved wide circulation among New Thought devotees and occult practitioners. He published under several pen names, including Magus Incognito, Theodore Sheldon, Theron Q. Dumont, Swami Panchadasi, Yogi Ramacharaka, Swami Bhakta Vishita, and probably other names not identified at present. He is also popularly held to be one (if not all) of the Three Initiates who anonymously authored The Kybalion. His work primarily focused on occultism, divination, psychic reality, and mankind's nature, or, what Atkinson called: "New Psychology" or "New Thought". Titles include Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World, and Practical Psychomancy and Crystal Gazing: A Course of Lessons on the Psychic Phenomena of Distant Sensing, Clairvoyance, Psychometry, and Crystal Gazing.


Jazzybee Verlag




ca. 273





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