An Account of the Insects Noxious to Agriculture and Plants in New Zealand

The Scale Insects (Coccididae)

William Miles Maskell

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Beschreibung zu „An Account of the Insects Noxious to Agriculture and Plants in New Zealand“

In 'An Account of the Insects Noxious to Agriculture and Plants in New Zealand' by William Miles Maskell, readers are presented with a comprehensive study on the various insect species that pose a threat to agriculture and plant life in New Zealand. Written in a detailed and scholarly manner, this book not only serves as a valuable resource for farmers and botanists but also showcases Maskell's expertise in entomology. The text provides insight into the ecological impact of these insects and offers practical solutions for pest control, making it a significant contribution to the field of agricultural science in the late 19th century. Maskell's meticulous observations and scientific approach to the subject matter add depth and credibility to the content, establishing him as a respected authority in the study of insects and their effects on vegetation. Readers interested in the natural history of New Zealand and the challenges faced in agricultural practices will find 'An Account of the Insects Noxious to Agriculture and Plants in New Zealand' to be an indispensable read.


Good Press




ca. 124





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