Confidential Chats with Boys

William Lee Howard

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Beschreibung zu „Confidential Chats with Boys“

In William Lee Howard's book 'Confidential Chats with Boys', the author provides a candid and insightful look into the minds and lives of young boys. Written in a conversational tone, the book seeks to bridge the gap between adults and adolescents, offering guidance and understanding to both parties. Howard's writing style is engaging and empathetic, making it easy for readers to connect with the themes of adolescence, identity, and relationships explored in the book. Set in the late 19th century, the book reflects the societal norms and challenges faced by boys during that time period, providing a valuable historical context for contemporary readers wishing to understand the evolution of boyhood through the years. William Lee Howard's background as a child psychologist and educator gives him a unique perspective on the subject matter, allowing him to offer practical advice and insights that resonate with both young boys and those who care for and mentor them. 'Confidential Chats with Boys' is a must-read for parents, teachers, and anyone interested in the emotional development of young boys.


Good Press




ca. 107





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