World Stories Retold for Modern Boys and Girls

William James Sly

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Beschreibung zu „World Stories Retold for Modern Boys and Girls“

In 'World Stories Retold for Modern Boys and Girls' by William James Sly, readers are transported into a world of timeless tales retold with a modern twist. This collection includes classic stories from various cultures around the globe, reimagined in a way that resonates with contemporary readers. The book blends traditional storytelling elements with a fresh, engaging narrative style, making it a captivating read for both children and adults alike. Sly's writing is both poetic and accessible, drawing readers into the diverse landscapes and characters of each story. The book provides a unique opportunity to explore the richness of world literature in a modern context. From ancient myths to folk tales, Sly's retellings breathe new life into these timeless stories. William James Sly, a seasoned storyteller and educator, brings a wealth of experience to this collection. His passion for storytelling and deep understanding of different cultures shine through in his creative adaptations of these world stories. Sly's background in literature and education informs his unique approach to retelling traditional tales for contemporary audiences. 'World Stories Retold for Modern Boys and Girls' is a must-read for anyone seeking to experience the magic and wonder of global storytelling in a fresh and engaging way.


Good Press




ca. 275





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