More Pages from a Journal

William Hale White

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Beschreibung zu „More Pages from a Journal“

In 'More Pages from a Journal' by William Hale White, readers are invited into the personal musings and reflections of the author through a series of journal entries. The book is written in a profound and introspective literary style, with the entries varying from contemplative observations on life to philosophical ruminations on the human experience. Set in the 19th century, the book provides a glimpse into the author's thoughts and emotions, offering a unique perspective on the Victorian era. William Hale White, also known by his pseudonym Mark Rutherford, was an English writer and civil servant. His own struggles with faith and identity likely influenced the introspective nature of his writing, making 'More Pages from a Journal' a deeply personal and thought-provoking work. Through his journal entries, White invites readers to introspect and reflect on their own lives and beliefs. I highly recommend 'More Pages from a Journal' to readers who appreciate introspective literature and enjoy exploring the complexities of the human mind. White's profound insights and philosophical musings make this book a compelling read for those interested in personal reflection and existential themes.


Good Press




ca. 170





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