Thirteen Months in the Rebel Army

William G. Stevenson

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Beschreibung zu „Thirteen Months in the Rebel Army“

William G. Stevenson's 'Thirteen Months in the Rebel Army' provides readers with a firsthand account of the author's experiences as a Union soldier captured by Confederate forces during the Civil War. Written in a candid and raw style, the book offers a unique perspective on the harsh realities of war and the complexities of human nature in times of conflict. Stevenson's narrative is both gripping and emotional, immersing readers in the day-to-day life of a prisoner of war in the Southern army. The book's detailed descriptions and vivid imagery paint a vivid picture of the realities faced by soldiers on both sides of the war. Set against the backdrop of one of the most turbulent periods in American history, 'Thirteen Months in the Rebel Army' stands out as a compelling and poignant account of the Civil War experience. William G. Stevenson, a veteran of the conflict, draws from his own experiences to offer readers a unique insight into the human toll of war and the enduring spirit of resilience. Recommended for history enthusiasts, Civil War buffs, and anyone interested in a firsthand perspective on this pivotal moment in American history.


Good Press




ca. 119





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