Staccato Notes of a Vanished Summer (from Literature and Life)

William Dean Howells

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Beschreibung zu „Staccato Notes of a Vanished Summer (from Literature and Life)“

William Dean Howells' 'Staccato Notes of a Vanished Summer' is a collection of poignant short stories that provide a glimpse into the everyday lives of ordinary people in late 19th century America. Howells employs a realistic and detailed writing style that captures the nuances of human relationships and the complexities of social interactions. The stories in this collection are a reflection of the literary realism movement of the time, highlighting the struggles and triumphs of the common man in a rapidly changing society. Through vivid imagery and subtle character development, Howells masterfully brings his characters to life, making them relatable and engaging for readers. 'Staccato Notes of a Vanished Summer' is a literary gem that showcases Howells' ability to explore the depths of human emotion and experience with depth and sensitivity. It is a must-read for anyone interested in 19th century American literature or the evolution of literary realism.


Good Press




ca. 9





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