A Gale of Wind (Unabridged)

William Clark Russell

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Beschreibung zu „A Gale of Wind (Unabridged)“

William Clark Russell (24 February 1844 - 8 November 1911) was an English writer best known for his nautical novels. At the age of 13 Russell joined the United Kingdom's Merchant Navy, serving for eight years. The hardships of life at sea damaged his health permanently, but provided him with material for a career as a writer. He wrote short stories, press articles, historical essays, biographies and a book of verse, but was known best for his novels, most of which were about life at sea. He maintained a simultaneous career as a journalist, principally as a columnist on nautical subjects for The Daily Telegraph.
A GALE OF WIND: At midnight Holdsworth came on deck to relieve the second mate. A man out of the port watch came to the wheel, and stood yawning, scarcely awake. The night was dark a hazy atmosphere, through which the stars gleamed sparely, and the sea like ebony.

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Ant Richards


Bookstream Audiobooks




19 Min.





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