
English Men of Letters Series

William Black

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Beschreibung zu „Goldsmith“

In 'Goldsmith', William Black delves into the world of Victorian fiction with a keen eye for detail and a lyrical prose that captures the essence of the era. The novel follows the intertwined lives of a group of characters through their trials and tribulations in a rapidly changing society. Black's ability to vividly portray the social and economic landscapes of the time adds depth and richness to the narrative, making it a compelling read for those interested in historical fiction. The author's use of symbolism and imagery adds layers of complexity to the story, inviting readers to delve deeper into underlying themes of wealth, power, and class dynamics. 'Goldsmith' stands out as a notable contribution to the genre, blending historical accuracy with timeless storytelling. William Black's own experiences growing up in the Victorian era undoubtedly influenced his writing, providing a firsthand perspective on the social issues and cultural norms of the time. His intricate understanding of the period shines through in the meticulous attention to detail and nuanced character development. Readers seeking a captivating journey through Victorian society will find 'Goldsmith' to be a rewarding and enlightening read.


Good Press




ca. 125





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