The Song of the Lark

Willa Cather

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Beschreibung zu „The Song of the Lark“

The Song of the Lark Willa Cather - The Song of the Lark is a 1915 novel by Willa Cather. It is the second part of a thematic trilogy by Cather which tells stories of women in the emerging prairies of the American West. The trilogy is considered to be some of Cathers finest work, celebrated for bringing to life the rural West and its people in a way that had never been done before.The book follows the life of Thea Kronborg as she grows up in a small American prairie town and follows her ambition to be an internationally renowned singer. Theas story is a combination of Cathers own autobiographical experiences growing up in Nebraska and the life of a famous Scandinavian-American opera singer named Olive Fremstad.The novel is divided into six parts. The first one recounts Theas childhood in the fictional town of Moonstone, Colorado. When the book starts, she is eleven years old. She is the daughter of the local minister and has a reputation for being different and aloof. Though the adults in her family, particularly her mother and eccentric Aunt Tillie, are supportive of her, she has trouble getting along with her siblings and other children. She takes daily piano lessons for two to four hours a day.Her friends are all older men in the town: her piano teacher Herr Wunsch, a drunk out-of-towner who stays with the local tailor Mr. Kohler and his wife; the local physician Dr. Archie, who once saved her life when she had pneumonia as a child; Spanish Johnny, a Mexican wandering musician who lives in the Mexican Town outside of Moonstone; and Ray Kennedy, a train conductor who dotes on Thea and is waiting for her to grow older so he can marry her.One day, Thea plays piano at a concert in her local church and gets upset when her rival is praised above her. She continues to train with Wunsch, who first introduces her to opera. When Wunsch causes a scandal by getting drunk and wrecking Kohlers home, his students no longer want to be associated with him and he leaves town. At the young age of fifteen, Thea takes on Wunschs piano students as a full-time teacher, dropping out of school.

Über Willa Cather

Willa Cather nació en Winchester (Virginia) en 1876, de una familia de origen irlandés, y pasó su infancia en Nebraska, en los años de la primera gran colonización de inmigrantes checos y escandinavos. Siempre activa y de espíritu independiente, estudió en la Universidad de Nebraska, donde se presentó, vestida de hombre, con el nombre de William Cather. Fue viajera, periodista, maestra, dirigió revistas; vivió durante cuarenta años con su compañera, Edith Lewis; y, cuando hubo ahorrado lo suficiente, se dedicó exclusivamente a la literatura. Admiradora de Flaubert y Henry James, así como de Turguéniev, Conrad y Stephen Crane, su primera novela, Alexan-der’s Bridge, se publicó en 1912. Al año siguiente, con Pioneros (ALBA CLÁSICA núm. L) introdujo el que habría de ser uno de sus temas centrales: el mundo vitalista de los colonos en el que transcurrió su infancia. A ésta siguieron otras novelas como Mi Ántonia (1918; ALBA CLÁSICA núm. XXXV), One of Ours (1922), que mereció el premio Pulitzer, La muerte y el arzobispo (1927), Shadows on the Rock (1931) o Lucy Gayheart (1935) y algunas exquisitas nouvelles como Una dama extraviada (1923; ALBA CLÁSICA núm. LX) o Mi enemigo mortal (1926; ALBA CLÁSICA núm. XXXII), ejemplos de un modo de escribir complejo y personal que se ganaría la admiración de escritores como William Faulkner y Truman Capote. Es autora asimismo de un gran número de relatos, reunidos en Los libros de cuentos (ALBA CLÁSICA MAIOR núm. ), y de un delicioso libro de recuerdos y ensayos, Para mayores de cuarenta (1936; ALBA CLÁSICA núm. LV). Murió en Nueva York en 1947.


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