Rogers-isms, the Cowboy Philosopher on the Peace Conference

Will Rogers

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Beschreibung zu „Rogers-isms, the Cowboy Philosopher on the Peace Conference“

In 'Rogers-isms, the Cowboy Philosopher on the Peace Conference', Will Rogers eloquently captures the essence of the 20th-century peace conferences through his thought-provoking and humorous insights. Using his signature wit and wisdom, Rogers offers a unique perspective on diplomacy and international relations during a time of global uncertainty. The book is written in a conversational style that effortlessly combines entertainment with profound observations, making it a delightful read for history buffs and fans of political satire. Rogers' ability to address serious topics with a refreshing light-heartedness sets this book apart from traditional political commentaries. As a prominent figure in American entertainment and politics, Rogers' commentary on the peace conference is both informed and engaging, creating a compelling narrative that resonates with readers of all backgrounds. 'Rogers-isms, the Cowboy Philosopher on the Peace Conference' is a must-read for anyone interested in history, politics, and the art of satire.


Good Press




ca. 14





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