Gewalt und Mobbing an Schulen

Möglichkeiten der Prävention und Intervention

Wilfried Schubarth

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Beschreibung zu „Gewalt und Mobbing an Schulen“

?Violence in schools= is an emotionally charged topic in public debates & making a factual and empirically well-based discussion all the more necessary. This book provides an overview of the extent, manifestations, development trends and causes of violence and bullying in schools, as well as options for prevention and intervention. It systematically combines an analysis of the phenomena of school violence with approaches to violence prevention and intervention. One focus is on school-based prevention and intervention programmes, which are critically evaluated here. This interdisciplinary volume, which includes findings from educational studies, psychology and sociology, links current results from research on violence and bullying with the prerequisites for modern prevention work in the context of necessary reforms of school and education. The book=s systematic and compact presentation, with overviews and review questions, makes it an indispensable guide and working tool for everyone interested in education and further training.


Kohlhammer Verlag




ca. 234





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