When Super-Apes Plot

Wilder Anthony

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Beschreibung zu „When Super-Apes Plot“

Wilder Anthony's 'When Super-Apes Plot' is a captivating science fiction novel that explores the theme of genetic engineering and the ethical implications that come with tampering with the natural order. The narrative is skillfully crafted with a mix of suspense and thought-provoking scenarios that keep the reader engaged from start to finish. Anthony's writing style is concise yet descriptive, painting vivid pictures of a world where humans and genetically enhanced apes coexist in a fragile balance. The literary context of the book delves into the realm of speculative fiction, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in scientific advancement and its potential consequences. Readers will find themselves contemplating the ethical dilemmas presented in the novel long after finishing it. Wilder Anthony, a biologist by profession, draws upon his knowledge and expertise in genetics to create a story that is both scientifically accurate and creatively stimulating. His background in the field gives the book a sense of authenticity and depth that transcends typical science fiction narratives. 'When Super-Apes Plot' is a must-read for those interested in exploring the intersections of science, ethics, and humanity through a captivating storyline.


Good Press




ca. 43





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