The Modern Young Man’s Guide to Manhood

The Unfiltered Version

Wayne Walker

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Beschreibung zu „The Modern Young Man’s Guide to Manhood“

The Modern Young Man’s Guide to Manhood is your roadmap to manhood with unfiltered plain talk. Some of it is controversial, but if you want the truth, that is just how it is sometimes. This book covers the heavy topics that every man must master:

- Mental toughness

- Money

- Career

- Women

- Personal security

And more!

Learn from Wayne, he has been a Banker, Actor, Trader, Close Protection Officer, and Entrepreneur. Now he mixes them all for a life without limits. Plus he has traveled to over 30 countries and lived (not just visited) on several continents.

His path to manhood has been messy at times and that’s a good thing...for you! He shares with you vivid personal stories and tips from the real world of successes and defeats, so that your path will be smoother. Get the guide TODAY and you will have a valuable partner for your manhood journey!






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