What the Bible Says about How to Know God's Will

Wayne Grudem

Religion & Glaube

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Beschreibung zu „What the Bible Says about How to Know God's Will“

At some point, every Christian wonders, What is God's will for me in this situation? There are many situations for which Scripture doesn't provide a black-and-white answer. In this book, adapted from his larger work Christian Ethics, Wayne Grudem helps readers stop overcomplicating God's will and instead embrace the different ways they acquire wisdom for daily life. He lays out guidelines for making decisions both big and small. After looking at the 4 dimensions of every action (the action itself, attitudes, motives, and results), Grudem works through 9 sources of information and guidance, both objective (information from the Bible, information from studying the situation, information about ourselves, advice from others, changed circumstances) and subjective (the conscience, the heart, the human spirit, and the Holy Spirit). Readers will gain insight into how to make the right decisions about situations that arise in their lives.






ca. 53





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