Being Wakeful

in the Light of Spirituality

Wasi Rizvi

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Beschreibung zu „Being Wakeful“

is *not* a commercially viable product. The aim here is much greater than that: It wakes us up from a lifetime of sleep on autopilot. To make a real difference, even if it is for just one soul. Quick Question: is it you? The first version consists of 70 B.U.L.B.s (Bitesize Ultimate Light Byte) each, almost, being a brief page examination of a different question. Wiring of fiction joins these inquisitive B.U.L.B.s for a better understanding. The second version takes you behind the scenes, on a night-long discussion with a literary genie drafting this very book. 5 of the 14 chapters are fiction in this spiritual discussion. Although meant to be easy to read, this book is hard to describe. 'Religion and Spirituality' domain also explores fiction, philosophy, and out of the box perspectives to provide a richer understanding of what is already right in front of you. Welcome to a pocket-universe of questions! Some Questions in the Book: + What Holds True Satisfaction? + Are Science and Religion at War? + Where is Your Happiness? + What Does ‘Being Alive’ Mean? + What is True Accomplishment? + Should You Run Away From Money, Power, and Fame? + Do Humans Have More Than One Nature? + Can Intellect Interact with the Ego? + What Becomes a Veil Between You and God? + How to Know If God is Pleased? + Can a Human Really be Better Than Angels? + What is the Target in This Reality? + What is Freedom? + Why is Everyone Scared of Death? + What Happens If You Are Not a Wakeful Being? +Why Does Anything Happen? +What Can Help Us at All Times? + Why Are You Reading This? And +Why Ask These Questions Right Now?


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