Ideals in Art: Papers Theoretical, Practical, Critical

Walter Crane

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Beschreibung zu „Ideals in Art: Papers Theoretical, Practical, Critical“

In 'Ideals in Art: Papers Theoretical, Practical, Critical', Walter Crane delves into the principles of art, exploring the intersections between theory and practice, and critiquing the standards of artistic expression. Through a series of essays, Crane offers a comprehensive analysis of the artistic process, focusing on the significance of ideals in shaping artistic creation and interpretation. His eloquent prose and insightful observations make this book a must-read for anyone interested in the philosophical and practical aspects of art. Crane's exploration of aesthetics and the cultural significance of art makes this book a valuable contribution to the field of art criticism and theory, offering readers a deeper understanding of the complex nature of artistic expression. With a keen eye for detail and a profound appreciation for the beauty of art, Crane invites readers to engage with the profound ideas that have shaped the artistic world for centuries.


Good Press




ca. 133





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