Kinship and Social Organisation

W. H. R. Rivers

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Beschreibung zu „Kinship and Social Organisation“

In 'Kinship and Social Organisation' by W. H. R. Rivers, the reader is taken on a deep dive into the anthropological study of kinship and social structures. Written in a scholarly and analytical style, Rivers explores the interconnectedness of kinship systems in different societies, shedding light on the importance of familial relationships and social organization. Drawing on ethnographic examples and case studies, the book delves into the complexities of kinship terminology, marriage practices, and inheritance patterns, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the subject. Rivers' meticulous research and clear writing make this book a valuable resource for students and researchers in the field of anthropology. With its insightful analysis and profound insights, 'Kinship and Social Organisation' offers a compelling exploration of the role of kinship in shaping social dynamics and cultural practices, making it a must-read for anyone interested in the study of human societies.


Good Press




ca. 77





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